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Sudanese National ICH


Sudanese National ICH

Since Sudan ratified the Convention, the The National Council for Cultural Heritage and Promotion of National Languages has been entrusted with creating a National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Sudan. Thanks to their unique qualities, each listed tradition contributes to cultural diversity beyond the nation’s borders and conveys the richness of Sudan’s living cultural heritage in an understandable manner.

(14) ALbaramka council

(14) ALbaramka council

The Baramka council is a form of traditional and social practice that characterizes the Baqara (cowboy-grazing tribes) in Darfur and Kordofan, Western Sudan, where meetings are held specifically to drink tea in a ceremonial setting accompanied by singing and poetry that mostly glorify tea.
(32) Al Nakhla - The Date Palm Tree

(32) Al Nakhla - The Date Palm Tree

The palm tree’s cultivation is spread in many countries, the most important of which are: Sudan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, Bahrain, the Gulf countries, the Maghreb, the Levant and other countries of the world. The date palm was appreciated and mentioned in ancient times, and it is glorified by all religions. It is mentioned extensively in the Torah, Talmud, and Bible, and mentioned in the Qur’an